I promise not another I'm so sad I'm not in the promiseland posts anymore. Although I am the worst ever with change from this point on I am embracing the new chapter of my life and taking each step with confidence and excitement (and of course in killer heels). I've always been so excited for my career and I can't believe it's finally here and that freaks me out but excites me beyond belief. I will be sure to keep you posted throughout my whole fashion journey. However for now, I couldn't be more blessed to leave such a wonderful place to come home to an also wonderful place. I've always been obsessed with my home and living at the beach, so instead of being sad about not being at JMU I am being grateful for where I live with my new best roommates (my family... my dad is having way too much fun with this role) and the best home friends ever. I know the family I made at JMU will remain just like it has here at home. So, with the mourning period now being over and I'm back to myself here are some of the best things about being at home.

{Beautiful day at my favorite place in the world}
{The Pool in Harrah's in AC- visit with everyone from school, love being so close!}
{I think I may turn into sushi with how much I've eaten this week- Love all the lunch/dinner dates with my mom, dad and friends!}
{Lots and lots of shopping- Do'de Jur in Red Bank}
{OBSESSED with my new arm candy from my aunt! Green Sewn recycled one of a kind bracelets}
Hope these little things can bring some pleasure into your life too!
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